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Roofing Blog

Why Fall Is the Time for a Full Roof Inspection

Fall is the right season for many kinds of home maintenance, especially if you live in an area that regularly experiences harsh winter weather. Perhaps the most obvious and important motivation is to prepare the home to endure colder temperatures and ensure the roof can withstand snow or ice in the months ahead. Since annual roof inspections are recommended anyway, consider timing yours in order to get the most out of the service.

Identify and Prevent Problems

The most important reason for a roof inspection in any season is to catch issues early on so that you can fix them before they become irreparable. This is the right time to look for issues that could develop into serious problems, like collapsing chimney masonry, loose or missing shingles, and crippled gutters. Preventing and addressing these things early means you won’t have to deal with them when the days are short, the weather is cold, and there’s a potential for snow or ice to complicate repairs.

Spend Less to Stay Warm

Fall is when most homeowners turn their attention to their heating system, possibly scheduling a tune-up to make sure it’s ready to handle the load. It should also be the season when you check on your insulation, especially the roofing. Making sure the roof is in good shape and is properly insulated from outside temperatures can provide substantial energy savings throughout the year.

Make Your Roof Freeze-Proof

Winter is particularly harsh on shingles and other roofing materials because of the potential for freezing and melting cycles. If the temperature fluctuates, allowing the snow and ice to melt and then freeze again, it can easily penetrate roofing materials and cause serious structural damage. That’s why shingles should be sealed properly and the entire roof checked for moisture and wind resistance.

Be Professional About Your Roofing

There are plenty of reasons to turn to a professional to handle your roofing needs. Avoiding the hazards that come with climbing up and down ladders or crawling across the rooftops is enough by itself for most people. Access to the right kind of supplies and technology not only makes the job easier, it can also open up opportunities and alternatives that may have been missed otherwise. You can also be confident that an expert team has the knowledge and experience needed to do the work safely and effectively.

We’re here to serve all of our clients’ roofing needs. If you have any questions, concerns, or want to schedule a fall roof inspection in Norman, OK, please contact Washita Roofing & Construction for professional roof inspection services.